Good thing is that I bite my nails a lot lately and broken and my fingers and would like to Asher saver that I can not mordelas hopefully can help me thanks
1. Nail polish. For some (not all) the taste of enamel can be a good deterrent when nail biting. If who bites a boy or man, pued use a clear nail polish. In pharmacies can buy nail polishes on the market that taste and smell very bad, specially designed for people who bite their nails.
2. Wear a fake nails for a while. Become a manicure with acrylic nails can help stop biting when not wanting to eat plastic. Acrylic nails also give you time to really grow underneath.
3. Rub nails with vegetable or olive oil. Promotes growth and most people find unpleasant taste, being less likely to bite your nails after application.
4. Rub lotion into your nails and the skin around them. This will help you heal, because bite can cause pain and stepparents. The flavor will also help keep your fingers away from your mouth.
5. Find a substitute: Feeling the need for nail biting, chewing else instead. A gum or even a toothpick can be good substitutes.
6. Getting a protector: You can also wear protective latex fingers. Condoms seem small and are in most pharmacies.
7. Help: Ask family or friends to make us a comment if you see us nail biting.
8. Getting achievable challenges: If it seems impossible to stop biting nails, we can start small. Put the nails of one hand for example. Or leave finger by finger. This method has the advantage that we can see the difference between a bad bite yy nail filed down a well.
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